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Control of an Industrial Camera Stabilizer Using External Visual Feedback


Z. Zhang

Semester Thesis, FS16

In this semester project, a tracking system is designed for DJI’s Ronin-M gimbal. The tracking system features a Raspberry Pi 3 with a camera module used to steer the view of the main shooting camera. The task of object following with the stabilizer, an often challenging task for cameramen, is taken over by a PID controller that simplifies the process. As a further step, a model of the system is derived to be used for trajectory design.

This semester thesis is in the form of a technical report. The purpose of this report is to help those who will proceed with this project to understand what has happened so far. All details regarding the tracking system and the model will be covered in this report. Besides, a considerable part of this report describes open questions and unverified possible solutions. They are included in the content for a good reason. The duration of a semester project is very limited. We don’t have time to solve all the problems we have met. But still it is important to record them because they provide directions of future works and prevent our successors from potential mistakes.

Supervisors: Nikolaos Kariotoglou, Reto Hofmann, John Lygeros


Type of Publication:

(13)Semester/Bachelor Thesis

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