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Computational Load and Congestion Control in Cloud Environments


F. Kottmann

Master Thesis, FS15 (10470)

Today, the allocation of computational power for distributed computing over the internet is not fexible regarding changing bandwidth constraints. Due to the raising importance of cloud computing and infrastructure as a service, the first markets are being implemented to exchange computational power. However, the optimal allocation of resources remains an open problem in that context. In this thesis, a model is introduced for the problem of optimal allocation of the computing power and of the corresponding data ows, according to bandwidth and computing capacity constraints, for a given network graph and routing structure. It is shown that the two stage interaction and the anticipation of the Internet congestion avoidance mechanisms is a bilevel optimization problem, which is generally non convex and hard to solve, but its convexification obtains the same unique optimal solution.

Supervisors: Saverio Bolognani, Florian Dörfler


Type of Publication:

(12)Diploma/Master Thesis

F. Dörfler

% Autogenerated BibTeX entry
@PhdThesis { Xxx:2015:IFA_5317

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