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Control Design for the Traloc Serpentine Robot


T. Bleiker

Semster Thesis FS 11 (10092)

This Semester Thesis addresses the design of an appropriate joint control for the Traloc serpentine robot which was developed at the Autonomous Systems Lab at ETH Zurich. The scope of this report covers the study of the mechanical system, the derivation of its mathematical description and the design of different control concepts for the joint actuation. The understanding of the mechanical aspects such as the joint mechanism, the forces acting on the system and other mechanical effects, like backlash in the chain-drivers, is crucial for the development of a mathematical model. Afterwards, the main focus is laid on the derivation of a mathematical description which captures the dynamics of the system and the implementation of a corresponding simulation framework in Simulink. Taking all crucial forces and mechanical effects into account turned out to be the main challenge. Several tests were run on the robot in order to validate and improve the mathematical model. Based on the model, control concepts were finally addressed, discussed and compared where a hybrid controller showed the best performance. The results and the gained insights of the Semester Thesis can be used to either further improve the control performance or to implement high level control algorithms for the Traloc snakelike robot. iii


Type of Publication:

(13)Semester/Bachelor Thesis

R. S. Smith

% Autogenerated BibTeX entry
@PhdThesis { Xxx:2011:IFA_4109

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