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Hybrid Control of Vehicle Dynamics


C. Conte

Master Thesis, FS 09

A hybrid controller for lateral vehicle dynamics is proposed in this thesis. The main purpose of the hybrid controller is to increase vehicle lateral stability in critical cornering situations. Saturation of tire forces, which leads to oversteering and understeering, can be avoided. The controller uses active steering and differential braking as control inputs and consists of three major components: A switching logic, a reference governor, and a transition controller. The switching logic detects critical driving situations and turns the main controller on. This main controller tracks a reference defined by the driver set steering angle. To guarantee stability during tracking, a reference governor based on a positive invariant set is employed. Some driving situations, in particular oversteering, can not be handled by the reference governor. Therefore, a transition controller is designed which drives the system state back into the scope of the reference governor. Functionality of the resulting hybrid controller was verified in simulations on a realistic vehicle model. Moreover, it was shown that a hybrid control small enough to be implemented on a production car, is able to satisfy the relevant performance criteria. iii


Type of Publication:

(12)Diploma/Master Thesis

M. Morari

% Autogenerated BibTeX entry
@PhdThesis { Xxx:2009:IFA_3439

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