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Wall-following controllers for sonar-based mobile robots


A. Bemporad, M. Di Marco, A. Tesi

IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Diego, USA, pp. 3063-3068

For mobile robots equipped with incremental encoders and one sonar sensor this paper presents wall-following controllers that achieve global convergence, as well as the fulfillment of constraints on the orientation of the sonar and the velocities of the wheels. A sensor-fusion approach for the estimation of the robot's coordinates is adopted by designing an Extended Kalman Filter that combines ultrasonic and odometric data.

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% Autogenerated BibTeX entry
@InProceedings { BemMar:1997:IFA_406,
    author={A. Bemporad and M. Di Marco and A. Tesi},
    title={{Wall-following controllers for sonar-based mobile robots}},
    booktitle={IEEE Conference on Decision and Control},
    address={San Diego, USA},

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